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NGO Sigma Plus learning platform is intended primarily for refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia.
Our goal is to provide assistance in the integration and inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in the mainstream life in Serbia.
The best way to learn is an interactive work with the good professor.
For those who do not have the opportunity to study with a professor we offer a Serbian language courses.
Serbian courses
Serbian language
Fast Serbian with Jean – introducing – greetings – buying groceries – understanding the instructions on how to get to a cer...
Specialized Serbian language course (this is not a driving school.). Serbian for drivers The course is intended for both drivers and those in proce...
In this short course, you will learn some of the terms used to describe coronavirus symptoms. You will also learn the terms used to describe preven...
We set up a “Serbian course for beginners (in case of weak internet)” In order to reduce the pressure on internet traffic, we have star...