Serbian for drivers
- Description
- Curriculum

Specialized Serbian language course (this is not a driving school.).
Serbian for drivers
The course is intended for both drivers and those in process of obtaining driving licence in Serbia.
Here you will learn the words used in giving directions, the names of car parts, the names of traffic signs and the terms used in driving tests.
Directions - Uputstva za vožnju
Carparts - In preparation
Saobraćajni znakovi - Znakovi opasnosti
Saobraćajni znakovi - Znakovi izričitih naredbi
Saobraćajni znakovi - Opšti znakovi obaveštenja
Is this course free of charge?
Yes, all courses on are free of charge.
In which countries I will be understood if I spoke Serbian?
If you learn Serbian, you will certainly be understood in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia.
Why there are two alphabets? What is the main alphabet?
The official alphabet in Serbia is Cyrillic (official documents are printed in Cyrillic). Latin alphabet is also widely used.
Do I have to learn Cyrillic if I want to stay in Serbia?
Yes, if you want to stay in Serbia you have to learn Cyrillic because the official documents are in Cyrillic.
Which letters are the most important?
In the Serbian language, all letters are equally important and have one voice to indicate. That is why each letter has a distinctive value and participates equally in defining the word.
In Serbian, does one letter always indicate only one sound?
Yes. In Cyrillic, each letter is pronounced as one sound and written as one character. The specificity of the Latin alphabet is that there is no unique character for the three letters, so it is adopted that they be written by merging two characters and in the pronunciation they are heard as one sound. These are the letters Lj, Nj and Dž (don't be confused, the letter Đ has its own unique sign, but can be written as Dj).
How long does it take to learn the basics of the Serbian language necessary for everyday communication?
It takes a maximum of 3 months (and a minimum of 1). Of course, with regular work and practicing. It is planned that the course "Serbian for beginners" will be completed in 3 months.
What course will be set next?
The order of courses we will set as the next will depend on your needs. These can be specialized Serbian courses for different occupations. As the first next course we will prepare and set up the one with the highest number of your requests. A basic version of the beginner course will always be put first, and later, if there is interest, a higher levels.
What topic/lesson will be covered in the online consultation?
All registered users will receive regular updates on terms and topics at the online consultation. Through the online consultation we will provide additional assistance in mastering the Serbian language courses offered on our learning platform. Send us in English (it can be translated into English with Google Translate) for what you need help with. The topics with the highest number of requests will be processed first.